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首发|魔都300㎡简奢大平层,这谁能拒绝? 世界微速讯

2023-02-08 15:23:42     来源 : 豪宅壹号





The design value of the top floor mansion makes us reunderstand the definition of luxury. Designers consider the quality, comfort and joy in the space from different angles.


The door model of 300 square metre north and south transparent becomes more delicate in whole space, window edge is bathing sunshine, it seems that also feel the halcyon of life and comfortable.


The landscape beauty on the side becomes the best background wall in the whole space, and the blue sofa lets the whole space become more dynamic feeling.


Indoor rich color makes the space become more delicate, the mutual collocation between different elements, revealing the sense of life in the space.


The side of the meeting room with sound insulation board to make a multifunctional office area, this functional effect can not only meet a variety of office functions, but also will not affect the normal use of another space.


Open dining-room can accommodate the dinner party of many people, and stylist chose to push and pull partition glass door, so can reduce indoor and outdoor lampblack spread.


The detail design in the bedroom, let the space become more delicate, and still designed desk space in the other side of the window, even if be in leisure when the fatigue that can relax the eye completely.


The mutual fusion between orange and green, shows the delicate and lively in the whole space, white and gray wash bath space, let the whole space become more advanced and simple.

内容策划 /Presented✚ 策划 Producer :DesignJapan 撰文 Writer :Rita 排版 Editor:Fin 设计Desi g n&版权©:设计师叶子 ©原创内容,不支持任何形式的转载,翻版必究!

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